IDR generally requires at least two interoperable implementations of a draft before it is advanced to RFC. Our goals in doing this include gaining some level of document quality assurance (can an implementor, working from the spec, implement it interoperably?) but also gaining some level of protocol quality assurance, some assurance that the proposal is implementable in practice (most BGP implementations are large and have many moving parts that new proposals must integrate with). If, as a side-effect, fewer IDR RFCs go unimplimented, that's a benefit too. Of course, perfection is impossible and even with this requirement, mistakes will creep in. Exception cases may exist where the implementation requirement wouldn't advance these goals.
Implementation reports are published on our wiki (see below). Implementation reports should highlight aspects of the spec that have been implemented (for example, consider the sections and SHOULD/MUST/MAY/etc keywords as a matrix, with tickmarks to indicate compliance), aspects that have not been implemented (and why, if the answer would be interesting), what testing, interoperation, and deployment the implementation has seen, and any observations that the reporter deems interesting. Naturally it should indicate the software release, organization, and individual filing the report.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the implementation requirement, please send questions to the IDR mailing list or the IDR chairs.
Early Allocation Status
Shepherd Reviews on SR and BGP-LS drasfts
Features for BGP Yang Models
Deprecating Drafts
Protocol implementations Reports
Administrative draft testimonials
Tunnel Encapsulation Templates
Feedback for BESS drafts
Feedback for PCE drafts
Feedback for Bier drafts
Feedback for SIDROPS drafts
Feedback for RTGWG drafts
Feedback on Yang Models
CAR-CT Adoption call (7/6/2022 to 7/27/2022)
IDR interim on BGP-LS, BGP-SR, and FSv2 drafts
00- Draft presentation before IETF 122
IDR interim on 9/9/2024 on SR and BGP Routing
IDR interim on 9/23/2024 on Next Hop features and Link Bandwidth
Background on Open Design Teams
Design Team 1: Basic IP FSv2
Design Team 2: More IP Filters for FSv2
Design Team 3: More IP Actions for FSv2
Design Team 4: Non-IP filters and actions FSv2
IDR Interim on 5/20 - SR and BGP-LS
IDR Interim on 6/24 - Pre-IETF-120 New Drafts (-00)
Design team 1 on 4/29
Design team 1 + 2 on 5/6
Design team 1 on 6/3
Design team 1 + 2 on 6/10
IDR Interim-1 on 1/26 - CAR, CT, AIGP, and Sendholdtimer
IDR Interim-2 on 2/26 - New Drafts Interim
IDR Interim-1 in April 2023
IDR interim-2 on Sept 25, 2023
BGP Autoconfiguration + FSv2 - moved to January 10th or 24th
Embedded NLRI and Error Handling (CAR, Classful Transport)) - Moved to January 10th or 24th
IDR-New-Drafts-Aug-2022 - 8/29/2022
[IDR-CAR-CT and NextHop - Oct-2022](/group/idr/IDR-CAR-CTandNextHop-Oct-
June 07, 2021 - Flow Specification Feedback
June 21, 2021 - AutoConfiguration Feedback
August 23, 2021 - Chairs on new Drafts
September 27, 2021 - Flow Specification v2
October 11, 2021 - Embedded NLRI and Error Handling (CAR, Classful Transport)) - cancelled
October 18, 2021 - BGP Autoconfiguration + New Drafts
Checklist for writing a BGP-related draft
Checklist for presenting at an IDR meeting
Commentary on different RFCs
De facto BGP features needing documentation
The content of this page was last updated on 2023-06-01. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-01-25.