The Chairs and wG will listen to in-depth presentation of New IDR Drafts. New Drafts include both Drafts under adoption and new created drafts.
Chairs will provide feedback to author prior to the interim.
draft-wang-idr-rd-orf-06.txt [Aijun Wang]
draft-wang-idr-vpn-routes-control-analysis-03.txt [Aijun Wang]
draft-ietf-pce-pcep-extension-native-ip-14.txt [this draft is for feedback to PCE WG] [Aijun Wang]
draft-chen-bgp-redist-03.txt [Enke Chen]
Extended Communities derived from Route Targets draft-zzhang-idr-rt-derived-community [Jeffrey Zhang]
MPLS Label Stacks in Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute draft-zzhang-idr-tunnel-encapsulation-label-stack
draft-dunbar-idr-sdwan-edge-discovery [Susan Hares or Kausik Majumdar]
[Add your name here if you wish to have a new Draft presentation]
The content of this page was last updated on 2021-08-23. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-01-28.