Planning for IETF N+1 needs to start at the latest during IETF N. When an AD leaves the IETF site, he or she needs to know roughly what BOFs to expect at the next IETF, which WGs are likely to meet, whether they will miss any milestones or need rechartering, and generally everything that should happen before arriving at the next IETF site.
Preliminary BOF proposals (see NewWork need to reach the AD well before the scheduling cutoff, so that there is time for clarification, improving the focus, and for discussion between the IESG and IAB. Officially, the deadline for BOF proposals reaching the AD is only seven weeks before the IETF, but sooner is better. Roughly speaking, the timeline is
It is the AD's job to act as first filter for BOF proposals, ensure they are reviewed in the IESG and IAB, and reach a final decision. It is also the AD's job to assist the Secretariat in resolving clashes discovered in the draft agenda. It will also be necessary to remind WG Chairs to post their WG agendas in good time and to deal with any panics such as drafts not being posted in time.
Obviously, ADs need to plan their IETF week to include not only WG sessions, BOFs, and formal IESG meetings, but also a wide variety of less formal meetings and discussions, not neglecting social contacts with the community. The IESG has a breakout room for small meetings, which can be reserved in this wiki at UpcomingIETF.
The content of this page was last updated on 2006-08-07. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-02-17.