This is a list of several administrative items that are usually handled at the first meeting of an IAB term (generally Sunday afternoon of the March IETF week, when there is a face-to-face meeting):
- Finalize IAB Chair Selection
- Finalize meeting day and time
- Identify Program Leads and members (see Programs)
- IAB-ISOC: Led by Alvaro (IAB member) and co-led by Olaf (ISOC); At least one IAB member and IAB chair as member
- IAB-IANA: Led by Russ Housley and Kim Davis (IANA); One IAB member and IAB chair as members
- IAB-IEEE: Led by Russ Housley (IEEE liaison manager) and Dorothy Stanley (IEEE-side liaison manager)
- EDM: Both leads are IAB Members and open participation
- EIMPACT: Led by Suresh (IAB member) and Jari (former IAB member); open participation
- Identify Liaison Coordinators (2023-2024: Wes, Suresh, Tommy)
- Identify IAB Liaison to the IESG (2023-2024: Dhruv)
- Identify IAB Liaison to the NomCom (2023-2024: Suresh)
- Identify IAB Stream Representative (RSAB) (2022-2023: Mirja)
- Identify IAB List Moderators (2023-2024: Mallory, Jiankang)
Identify volunteers for Comms Review team (2023-2024: Mirja, Colin) (Group is dormant per Greg Wood on 2024-02-15)
- Identify ARPA change control approver (2023-2024: Wes)
- Identify Tools Team Liaison (2023-2024: Mallory)
- Identify EMODir Liaison (2023-2024: Chris)
- Identify IAB_Outreach_Coordinator (2023-2024: Dhruv)
- Plenary preparation