Agenda as of 2024-10-11. IAB agendas are subject to change, up to and during the meeting.
2024-04-17: Cindy Morgan to update the timeline for the 2025 ICANN
NomCom Liaison appointment once the list of positions being filled
is available.
2024-10-02: Cindy Morgan to draft a call for nominations for the
ICANN NomCom appointment.
2024-10-02: Cindy Morgan to send a reminder about the call for
feedback on the IRTF Chair nominees.
2024-10-02: Cindy Morgan to update the list of potential agenda
items for IETF 121 in the wiki.
On Hold:
In Progress:
2024-06-12: Mirja Kühlewind to work with Wes Hardaker on
prioritizing the current list of IAB requests for the Tools Team.
2024-06-24: Dhruv Dhody to coordinate a panel or other activity for
2024-06-25: Suresh Krishnan to draft a document obsoleting RFC 3113
(Update RFC3113 to in only high level details of the collaboration
(3GPP-IETF co-ordination team) and move the details to a Wiki.
Remove references to technology and organizational structure items
that will become out of date quickly.
2024-06-26: Suresh Krishnan, Warren Kumari, Dhruv Dhody, and Éric
Vyncke will work on text around limited domains.
2024-09-04: Liaison Coordinators to update RFC 4052 to improve
documentation about liaison relationships.
2024-10-02: Suresh Krishnan to try and find a contact at Tesla to
talk about the Tesla Transport Protocol over Ethernet (TTPoE).
2024-10-02: Alissa Cooper to reach out to the Global Digital
Justice Forum about possibly meeting on 2024-12-11.
Sent to RFC Editor: Informational
IAB Shepherd: Suresh Krishnan
Maintaining Protocols Using Grease and Variability
I-D Exists, IAB stream
IAB Shepherd: Not assigned
Update to IANA Considerations (IANABIS)
Area: GEN
Internal Review
IESG Telechat: (2024-10-17)
IAB Reviewer: Mirja Kühlewind
MODeration PrOceDures (MODPOD)
Area: GEN
Approved pending chair selection
IESG Telechat: (none)
IAB Reviewer: Qin Wu (Review sent 2024-09-11)
Standard Communication with Network Elements (SCONE)
Area: WIT
External Review
IESG Telechat: (2024-10-17)
IAB Reviewer: Suresh Krishnan
Goal: Confirm schedule, brainstorm agenda topics
Goal: Agenda refinement, guest speaker
Goal: Review timeline and process
Goal: Does the IAB need to meet on 2024-10-23?
-- 2024-11-02 - 2024-11-08: IETF 121 Dublin --
Note: Call time changes to 0700 PST after 2024-11-02
-- 2024-12-25 - 2025-01-01: Winter Holiday Break --