All contribututions to this wiki are covered by the IETF Note Well and the various policies to which it refers. Please review it carefully as it covers topics such as the IETF Guidelines for Conduct (BCP 54), Copyright (BCP 78), and Intellectual Property Rights (BCP 79).
Inspired by the Ten simple rules for editing Wikipedia, here are some general principles to consider when contributing to the IETF Community wiki:
Consider how your contribution could help the IETF community work better. Anyone who has an IETF Datatracker account and contributes ideas to the IETF is part of the IETF community. If you contribute to this wiki, you are part of that community.
Remember this wiki serves the IETF. This wiki is a shared resource intended to serve the groups, meetings, and other activities within the IETF Community. While the IETF covers many aspects of Internet technologies, it is guided by its mission and principles, and there are many topics that are out of scope for the IETF.
Be empowered to add, update or change information, especially when you know it is out of date. This wiki contains a wide range of information and is mostly maintained by voluteer effort, so information may sometimes get stale. You can peek at the history (found at: to see when a page has been updated. Of course, you should have reliable sources for the updated information and provide links when possible. And it is always good to keep in mind the priniciple of least astonishment. Finally, if you have serious question about a page, feel free to ask a question (see below).
Ask for help or guidance if you have a question. The IETF Community wiki is an evolving resource so it is always OK to ask a question if you are not quite sure of something. In general you should feel free to send any question to and the IETF Secretariat will ensure the question is answered or forwarded to folks who can answer it. Sometimes a more direct approach can work, for example if question relates to a specific group wiki, you might consider sending the question to the chair or leadership of that group.