Under construction. Editing this page is encouraged, however, for significant changes discuss your edits on the VWRAP Mailing list - vwrap@ietf.org.
A glossary of terms with specific meanings within the project, defined so that discussions can be concise and misunderstandings fewer. This glossary currently is a compilation of terms from different sources (as referenced) to act as a basis for the final VWRAP glossary. Please make sure that everything you add has a source (or signature). It should be noted that some of the definitions are only intended to be used in a particular context. The AWG wiki glossary for instance explicitly states:
"Please note that this glossary is specific to the SL Architecture Working Group and is intended for use only within the context of Second Life. The definitions are not expressed in a generic manner, and should not be interpreted that way".
Nevertheless, some of the SL specific AWG terms are copied here for easy reference.
A service responsible for accepting user credentials and providing service endpoints for other services.vwrap-intro-00
The "avatar" is the user's (mostly) visual representation in the virtual world. It is the entity that end users (humans) are likely interested in interacting with. vwrap-intro-00
A "region" is the set of data maintained by a "simulator." vwrap-intro-00
A service whose primary responsibility is to simulate 3d spaces (including physics simulation and object presence maintenance) is termed a "Simulator." vwrap-intro-00
The entity controlling an avatar in world is the "user". vwrap-intro-00
A "user agent" is a client application operated predominantly by an end user. vwrap-intro-00
Virtual Worlds Region Agent Protocol. VWRAP Draft Charter: 2009 08 28 revision
The content of this page was last updated on 2011-03-30. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-02-26.