The Session Recording Protocol (SIPREC) working group is chartered to define a SIP-based protocol for controlling a session (media) recorder.
Session recording is a critical requirement in many business communications environments such as call centers and financial trading floors. In some of these environments, all calls must be recorded for regulatory and compliance reasons. In others, calls may be recorded for quality control, business analytics, or consumer protection. Recording is typically done by sending a copy of the media to the recording devices. The working group will determine requirements and produce a specification for a protocol that will manage delivery of media from an end-point that originates media, or that has access to it, to a recording device. PBX and recording vendors today implement proprietary, incompatible mechanisms to facilitate recording. A standard protocol will reduce the complexity and cost of providing such recording services.
Full Charter can be found at:
The content of this page was last updated on 2012-01-19. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-01-15.