The Secretariat maintain a set of web pages to describe interims here. They show:
The IESG Statement on "Guidance on Interim Meetings, Conference Calls and Jabber Sessions" is dated September 2008. It sets out the rules for such meetings. In summary...
To get an interim meeting announced:
Dear Secretariat (AD cc'ed),
Please send the following email to announce an interim meeting of the Foobar working group.
The Foobar WG will hold an interim / a virtual interim meeting on April 1st from 11am to 1pm EST.
The meeting will be held at the offices of Snaffitt Corp. in Loa Alamos / The meeting will be conducted on WebEx.
The chairs will post details with an agenda closer to the meeting.
Additional information will be announced on the Foobar WG mailing list:
The IETF currently has resources to host WebEx sessions for virtual. The process for getting such a session set up is remarkably simple - just email the Secretariat requesting a session, and sit back and enjoy it. if you have never hosted a WebEx meeting before, make this clear in your request and the Secretariat will give you all the help you need.
Avoid stress and panic through timeliness (TM).
If you run it down to the wire you risk your announcement not going out on time. The IESG is pretty damn strict about this and will cancel/disallow meetings that don't have enough notice. Similarly if agendas don't come out in time.
Furthermore, if you need resources from the secretariat (such as WebEx) please try to ask them sooner rather than later.
You can use jabber and etherpad as usual. Work out in advance what you main back-channel communication medium will be: there is also the WebEx chat window, and in WebEx people can "raise their hands" to indicate they want to speak.
Lastly, please try to get minutes and slides posted on time. Slides should ideally be up before the meeting so that people can follow along. Minutes really need to be up sooner rather than later - this is particularly important for interims because only a small subset of the WG may have been able to attend.
The content of this page was last updated on 2014-12-05. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-01-29.