The IESG is responsible for appointing one person to the IETF Trust to serve for a term of two years. The trustee can be reselected (RFC 8713, RFC 8714, RFC 8715)
Kristin Berdan
Term: 2024-2026
Appointed By: IESG (2 year term)
Stephan Wenger
Term: 2019, 2020-2022, 2022-2024
Appointed By: IESG (2 year term)
The trustee term begins at the first IETF Meeting in a calendar year. The selection process should start no later than the beginning of January, preferrably before the winter break in December.
Solicitation of nominations (4 weeks):
Nominations period closes:
Call for community feedback on candidates (4 weeks):
Candidate interviews via WebEx:
Deadline for community input:
Selection by IESG:
Announcement of selection by IESG:
Trustee Term Begins: At the first IETF meeting of the calendar year
Sample Text:
To: IETF-Announce
From: IETF Chair
Subject: Call for nominations: IESG appointment to the IETF TrustThe purpose of the IETF Trust is to acquire, hold, maintain, and
license certain existing and future intellectual property and other
property used in connection with the administration of the IETF. More
information about the IETF Trust can be found at According to RFC8714, the IESG is required
to appoint one person to the IETF Trust, for a term of two-years.The IESG is hence asking for volunteers to serve as the IESG appointee
to the IETF Trust for the term beginning in March 2024 - March 2026.DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS AND SELECTION CRITERIA
The Trust is mostly a quiet organization, and being a trustee
generally involves little work beyond quarterly online meetings.
Trustees ideally should be:
Familiar with copyright and trademark law.
Familiar with the RFC publication process as described in RFC 6635
and related documents.Familiar with the Trust's copyright licenses and with RFCs 5377 and
5378.Willing to serve multiple terms as a trustee to provide continuity
The IESG is making a public call for nominations. Self-nominations are
permitted. All IETF participants, including working group chairs,
IETF NomCom members, IAB members, IESG members, and candidates for
the IETF LLC Board are eligible for nomination. Of course, IESG
members who accept nomination will recuse themselves from selection
discussions. Persons who are under consideration by the NomCom in the
2022-23 cycle for the open IETF Trust position are also welcome to
apply. Please send nominations to Please include the
following with each nomination:
Contact information
Candidate background and qualifications
The IESG will publish the list of nominated persons prior to making a
decision, allowing time for the community to provide any relevant
comments to the IESG.The IESG will review the nomination material, any comments provided by
the community, and may decide to interview the candidates before
The following procedures will be used in managing candidates' personal
The list of candidate names will be published at the close of the
nominations period. A candidate that refuses the nomination will
not be included on the list.Except as noted above, all information provided to the IESG during
this process will be kept as confidential to the IESG.TIMEFRAME
The nominations period will opens today, [DATE] and closes
on [DATE].The list of candidates will be posted shortly after the close of
nominations, and the community will then have two weeks to provide
comments on the candidates to the IESG.The IESG will consider the community feedback and make its decision.
If the candidate pool overlaps with the NomCom's IETF Trust candidate
pool, the IESG will wait to announce a selection until the NomCom
announces its selections for the IETF Trust, to avoid a race
condition.Lars Eggert
IETF Chair, for the IESG
Sample text:
To: IETF-announce
From: IETF Chair
Subject: Call for feedback: IESG appointment to the IETF TrustThe IESG is responsible for appointing one person to the IETF Trust for a two-year term that begins in March 2024.
Following the call for nominations [CITE CALL FOR NOMINATIONS], the following candidates have accepted a nomination:
Please send feedback about these candidates to This feedback will be held in confidence by the IESG. Please provide the feedback by [DATE].
We thank you in advance for your help.
Lars Eggert
IETF Chair, on behalf of the IESG