1630-1800: AMS-IETF Leadership Venue Tour + Happy Hour
Please join us for a quick tour around the conference center. We will end with a happy hour.
Meeting point: 16:30
Happy hour: 16:45
0930-1130 Dublin: IAB Business Meeting (Room: TBD)
1145-1215 Dublin: IAB/IESG Lunch (Room: TBD)
1215-1345 Dublin: IAB/IESG Meeting (Room: TBD)
Agenda: https://wiki.ietf.org/group/iesg/UpcomingIETF
1130-1300 Dublin: IETF-3GPP Coordination (Room: TBD)
0800-0920 Dublin: IAB Business Meeting (Room: TBD)
Discussion with ISOC (30 min) (updates on policy maker program, other hot topics)
Chat with David Lawrence as the new ICANN Board Liaison (30 min)
1700-1900 Dublin: IETF 121 Plenary (Room: TBD)
0800-0920 Dublin: IAB Business Meeting (Room: TBD)
T2TRG Review (30 mins)
1130-1300 Dublin: IAB/IESG Lunch + Meeting (Room: TBD)
Agenda: https://wiki.ietf.org/group/iesg/UpcomingIETF
1715-1815 Dublin: Farewell Reception (Room: TBD)