1600-1800 Prague: IETF Leadership + SVTA (Room: Florenc 1/2)
1145-1215 Prague: IAB/IESG Lunch (Room: Palmovka 1/2)
1215-1345 Prague: IAB/IESG Meeting (Room: Palmovka 1/2)
Agenda: https://wiki.ietf.org/group/iesg/UpcomingIETF
1400-1600 Prague: IAB Business Meeting (Room: Palmovka 1/2)
- Adopting draft-edm-protocol-greasing (Tommy) (5 minutes)
- NIST RFI response (Suresh) (20 minutes)
- IAB Statement on Client-side Scanning (Mallory) (20 minutes)
- HRPC Rechartering (Colin) (30 minutes)
1130-1300 Prague: EDM Program (Room: Florenc 1/2)
1130-1300 Prague: IETF-3GPP Coordination (Room: Palmovka 1/2)
0800-0920 Prague: IAB Business Meeting (Room: Florenc 1/2)
- Followup to IAB Statement on the Risks of Attestation of Software and Hardware on the Open Internet (45 minutes)
- Followup CCC Response
- eIDAS Article 45 (15 minutes) - https://nce.mpi-sp.org/index.php/s/cG88cptFdaDNyRr
1145-1245 Prague: E-Impact Program (Room: Congress Hall 3)
1700-1900 Prague: IETF 118 Plenary (Room: Congress Hall 1/2)
0800-0920 Prague: IAB Business Meeting (Room: Florenc 1/2)
- Update on IAB Website (Cindy)
- ISOC BOT Appointment Timeline (Cindy)
- Future of Technical Plenaries (Mirja, Mallory)
- Potential Technical Plenary Talk on Thread in Brisbane (proposed by Stuart Cheshire)
- Joint statement of scientists and NGOs on the EU’s proposed eIDAS reform (confirm/finish e-vote)
- If time permits: scheduling of program meetings
- Executive Session: Appeal of IESG appeal decision on Meeting Guidance (30 minutes)
1130-1300 Prague: IAB/IESG Lunch + Meeting (Room: Palmovka 1/2)
Agenda: https://wiki.ietf.org/group/iesg/UpcomingIETF
1830 Prague: IAB-ISOC Joint Dinner (Location: SIA, V Celnici 1034/6, 110 00 Praha)
RSVP: Please email your RSVP and any dietary restrictions/allergies to terrell@isoc.org by no later than Friday, 3 November 2023.
The content of this page was last updated on 2023-11-07. It was migrated from the old IAB wiki on 2023-12-04.