This page is intended to be a reference for people looking for software or hardware systems that implement the GEOPRIV protocols, either as clients or servers. The list is meant to include all available implementations, including both commercial and open-source efforts.
- The Open Source LIS: A PHP-based HELD server with a Java-based client
- The Internet Geolocation Toolkit: A multi-platform, multi-protocol C++ library for geolocation access.
- ECRITdroid: An emergency calling client for Android. Doesn't do GEOPRIV now (just LoST/ECRIT), but should soon, in order to be fully ECRIT-compliant
- Online DHCP encoders: An AJAX tool for encoding location values for use in the DHCP location options
- Firefox: The Firefox implementation of the W3C API supports a limited profile of HELD. To enable: Go to "about:config"; set "geo.wifi.protocol" to "1"; set "geo.wifi.uri" to the URL of your HELD server.
- CommScope LIS: This is a commercial LIS that supports various configurations and access network types. It also provides support for for transitioning to NGES.
Documents: RFC 5985 (Server), RFC 6155, RFC 4119, RFC 5139, RFC 5491, draft-ietf-geopriv-deref-protocol
The content of this page was last updated on 2011-06-28. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-01-23.