This wiki page is designated to collect information relevant to the non-wg mailing list Discussions about enterprise networking specific scenarios and deployment problems.
If you have enterprise deployment and scenario related questions or sugestions, please contact the mailing list.
At IETF119, a side meeting for enterprise networking specific scenarios and deployment problems was held.
Recording (note that Dean Bogdanovic's slides do not show up in the recording, pls. refer to the slides from the agenda below)
- Slides Introduction
- Slides (remote) Jordi Paillisse Vilanova, UPC - BarcelonaTech, based on "LISP use in Enterprises" ACM paper
- Slides (remote) Bo She, Xi'an Jiaotong University, "Campus network deployment in Xi'an Jiaotong University", 10 min
- Slides Xinxin Yi, China Unicom, "Enterprise private line service, scenarios and further requrements", 10 min
- Slides Dean Bogdanovic, Alefedge, "Enterprise Private Mobile Networking", 10 min
- Slides Qiangzhou Gao, Huawei, "QoE assurance for enterprise video conferencing", 10 min
- Slides Jari Arkko, Ericsson, "Considerations on Application - Network Collaboration according to RFC9419", 5 min
- Open discussion & Wrap-up, 30 min
Please feel free to contribute content to this wiki that you deem relevant.