The IANA IPR Community Agreement, [], was one of the many documents that was part of the IANA Stewardship Transition. It calls for the creation of the Community Coordination Group (CCG) to provide guidance, advice, and in a few circumstances, approvals to the IETF Trust regarding the stewardship of the IANA Intellectual Property. The CCG is comprised of nine individuals, called the CCG Representatives. The Names Community, the Numbers Community, and the Protocol Parameters Community each appoint three CCG Representatives. Each operational community has the right to change any of its CCG Representatives upon written notice to the other operational communities and the IETF Trust. An operational community may remove or replace its CCG Representatives at any time and in its sole discretion. The means and procedures by which an Operational Community elects to select, appoint, and remove its own CCG Representatives are determined solely by that operational community
Each Operational Community shall appoint one of its CCG Representatives as a co-chair of the CCG. An Operational Community shall have the right to change its CCG co-chair upon written notice to the other Operational Communities and the IETF Trust. An Operational Community may remove or replace its CCG co-chair at any time and in its sole discretion.
The CCG co-chairs are the IETF Trust’s primary points of contact with the CCG. Which means that the IETF Trust treats a communication from the CCG co-chairs collectively as a communication from the CCG as a whole, and the IETF Trust treats a communication from any CCG co-chair as a communication from the operational community that appointed that co-chair.
The IETF Trust is required under IANA IPR Community Agreement to consult with and seek the advice of the CCG with respect to the IANA Trademarks and IANA domain names. The IETF Trust will consider in good faith the advice and recommendations provided by the CCG. There is a rebuttable presumption that the IETF Trust will accept the advice and recommendations of the CCG. If the IETF Trust, in its reasonable discretion, determines that it is not advisable to accept such advice or recommendation, it will meet and confer with the CCG to explain the IETF Trust's rationale for desiring to elect a different course of action, and the CCG and the IETF Trust shall in good faith use reasonable best efforts to come to consensus on a resolution. If the IETF Trust and the CCG are not successful in achieving consensus with respect to the handling of the advice and recommendations of the CCG, the IETF Trust is entitled, without breaching IANA IPR Community Agreement, to adopt or implement a position different from such CCG advice or recommendation.
The CCG shall adopt, by consensus, its own operational rules and procedures, including requirements relating to voting, quorum, calling of meetings, actions taken by the CCG co-chairs (individually or collectively), action taken outside of meetings and the like, at its first meeting, and shall thereafter revise such rules and procedures as permitted thereby. Such procedures shall not constitute a part of the IANA IPR Community Agreement, and compliance with such procedures shall be beyond the scope of the IANA IPR Community Agreement. The CCG may invite representatives of the IETF Trust to attend its meetings, but such attendance is not required, or the CCG may request the IETF Trust to appoint a liaison/non-voting ex officio member to the CCG.
The content of this page was last updated on 2016-11-03. It was migrated from the old Trac wiki on 2023-01-13.